Engineering Drawing
a quick post on Google Sketch UP for Mac (also available for Windows), it is a
very nice application. I drew my Engineering project (Leaving Certificate) on
it, to see if it was easy enough for a novice (Read: Me) to mess around and get
something functional out of it. Most people have heard of Computer Aided Design,
but usually the applications are expensive to say the least. Not so with Google
Sketchup, it is totally free and can import some of the most popular 3D drawing
formats. It is easy to use, but difficult to master is how I would best describe
this product. The video tutorials Google provides on their website is a huge
help, and got me off to a good start. They represented what every tutorial
should be: short, snappy and to the point. The User Interface should be designed
a little better and be a little clearer, but for a free product, it does exactly
what it says on the tin. So I got down to business, and I present my very first
drawing in Google