Framework 13 AMD

I recently bought a Framework 13 laptop as a personal machine. If you are not aware - Framework makes build-it-yourself laptops. I wanted to review different parts of the process and give an overview of how it’s been from ordering to delivery.


Ordering was easy, the configurator they have for choosing the specification you want is very clear. The only criticism I’d have is that it gets confusing as to which stock keeping units (SKU) gets the upgraded camera and screen - two parts they they clearly have a generation two for. I couldn’t see when I finished the order that I had definitely ordered the later versions of both. It was easy to configure everything else like RAM, CPU, SSD and I really liked the “choose for me” modules section - which picks the most common ports to add to the laptop. I paid my €100 and got a confirmation email with a waiting time of the end of September 2024.


Communication was very good - I got regular emails informing me when shipping would occur. I really liked that they confirmed multiple times the payment card for which the remaining money would charged to. Shipping was by Fedex and came direct from Taiwan to Ireland in about 5 days - which I didn’t think was too bad I’ve certainly seen longer lead times. It was shipped by the estimated date and again communication was good in flagging a potential delay which fortunately did not come to pass.


For context, I’m well used to building PCs and tinkering with things - so this was not an especially arduous build. The laptop came in a what seemed like many, many boxes but really there was a few key ones: laptop shell which included screen and motherboard. The next most important box was the “top case” which is keyboard, trackpad and everything you “touch”. Before attaching the top case you must install your RAM & SSD and then should insert the “ports” (plug and play modules on the side like USB-C, HDMI etc. depending on what you ordered). After that really it’s attaching the top case with it’s ribbon cable, installing the bezel (it has magnets and light stickers) and then screwing the top case in.

Thoughts so far

I’m really enjoying the Framework laptop so far. The ordering, shipping and build process have all been positive. The problem I have is I’m very used to Apple Mac laptops (both the Pro line-up and Air line-up) and they really are the gold standard for laptops. The Framework 2K screen is great (I like matte more and more - it’s growing on me), the keyboard is reasonably good (on a par I think with Macbooks) but the trackpad is just awful unfortunately. I’m trying my best to retrain my brain to tap lightly and not click, but the Apple ones have me spoiled rotten. The battery life is also meh, I’ve splurged on a power bank but again this is Apple killing it with outrageously good battery life on M-series chips in their laptops.

I installed NixOS Linux on it and customised it to run Sway. The only hiccup I had was how to disable secure boot. You can see my config here.

Overall I would definitely buy again - I think for a Linux or Windows laptop that has an X86 Intel or AMD chip it really is one of the better ones. If you were spoiled by Macs previously - just beware of the trade-offs going in. So far I’m really loving the customisability I have in Linux vs MacOS. Using a proper tiling window manager like Sway can definitely be more productive!