Love letter to IRMA's Solicitor

Dear [Solicitor for IRMA’s name],

It is my position that you are morally bankrupt through your actions via IRMA vs. ISP’s. If you need independent advice on how this technology works (I am in Computer Science; but I can explain things slowly; so who knows?) I would be most delighted to help. Please note my hourly rate is at least twice yours; but I’m worth it!

I look forward to hearing from you in 7 days; lest I contact a credit agency for non-payment. As this email constitutes services rendered by me. But I am willing to trade for legal advice on disbarment of a solicitors firm I know which abuses the law; only because I am a reasonable person!

Kindest Regards & Love,
[My Footer]

PS: This is intended as Humour… only slightly…(joke!). I will publish any response you make on the Internet; so keep this in mind; if you don’t wish it so; don’t respond.

Rest assured I will publish any response; but I don’t expect one….