Quickly navigate your filesystem

The article is a great tip for those who spend a good chunk of the working day on the command line. I made some adjustments to Bash completion code to get it to work on Mac OS X:


 \_completemarks() { local
  local wordlist=$(find
$MARKPATH -type l -printf "%f\n")
  COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W
'${wordlist[@]}' -- "$curw")) return 0 }

complete -F \_completemarks jump unmark 

My modified version (tested on Mac OS X and Ubuntu):

 \_completemarks() { local curw=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}

local wordlist=(`find $MARKPATH -type l | cut -d / -f 5`)

COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '${wordlist[@]}' -- "$curw")) return 0 }

complete -F \_completemarks jump unmark