Automatically Decline and Delete or Accept and Delete Outlook 2010 Meetings
You can follow the Microsoft TechNet guide to add VisualBasic code in Outlook rules.
You can just replace the code they give with this:
Sub AutoDeclineMeetings(oRequest As MeetingItem)
' If its not a meeting, we don't process
If oRequest.MessageClass <> "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Get the appointment in the meeting
Dim oAppt As AppointmentItem
Set oAppt = oRequest.GetAssociatedAppointment(True)
' Send a decline response
Dim oResponse
Set oResponse = oAppt.Respond(olMeetingDeclined, True)
' Lastly, delete the message
End Sub
Sub AutoAcceptMeetings(oRequest As MeetingItem)
' If its not a meeting, we don't process
If oRequest.MessageClass <> "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Get the appointment in the meeting
Dim oAppt As AppointmentItem
Set oAppt = oRequest.GetAssociatedAppointment(True)
' Send an accept response
Dim oResponse
Set oResponse = oAppt.Respond(olMeetingAccepted, True)
' Lastly, (optionally) delete the message
End Sub
For anything else you may want to do with the meeting, check the Outlook Visual Basic Developer Docs.