What's in your dock?
I recently read an article that posed the question “Does your dock reflect your priorities?” - which is an interesting question. Further breaking that idea down leads to:
- What apps do I need the most?
- What apps should be next (or be higher priority)?
iPhone dock

- Phone app: pretty self explanatory
- Safari: Still the best mobile browser I think (though if Google ever gets going on a proper Chrome browser for Android that may change)
- Tweetbot: I like Twitter the most of the social networks and tweetbot is the Swiss army knife if twitter clients
- Music (aka. iPod app) : I use my iPhone in my car and sometimes at work to listen to music
iPad dock

- Safari: Safari on iPad is not as good as the iPhone version - it can be more full featured I think!
- Mail app: E-mail on the iPad is one of the most popular uses, it’s got just the right amount of screen real-estate to do it justice
- Photography folder: I don’t know why I mistook myself as being interested in photography, but here’s a folder I almost never use (bar camera app)
- Music: I like it uses the screen real-estate better then the iPhone version and it’s much nicer to browse music on
- Tweetbot: Tweetbot for iPad is the best Twitter client for iPad hands down (on the iPhone it’s more contested) and sync with Tweetmarker makes it much easier moving between iPhone and iPad versions.
Final thoughts
I guess I’ve learned I make pretty bad use of the dock on both devices. Evernote or Lastpass should probably be in the dock on either device - probably with a feed reader as a close run after that (Reeder or Mr. Reader). These apps feature on either home screen as you can see from the screenshots above. Food for thought I guess!