Wiki, Awards and Wifi

Well the last couple of weeks have been interesting! You will notice the website is now a wiki based on Wikipedias engine, metawiki. I had a load of problems with making the theme work with a wiki with loads of menus. I think I did well considering I only spent about 3 days doing it. The code still aint how I want it and some features were lost, such as rss and bookmarks. But pages are now easier than ever to navigate and comment on which brings more features.

I also won an award for webbdesign for Colaiste Chiarain website. It was run for second level students in IT Tallaght, Dublin. I scooped top prize with Thomas Whelan, which was €400 or €200 each. As promised I went to Dublin to St. Stephens Green Shopping Centre and tested out my Nokia 770.

I failed to find the cafe that reportedly offered free wifi, so instead I settled for cafe kylemore, bought a coffee (€2.30) and got a half an hour of surfing time. It was cheaper to buy a coffee and surf than pay BitBuzz the service provider for a half an hour which would have cost €3! We certainly do live in rip-off Ireland, anyone in doubt needs a head examination!